Prusa MINI Firmware overview
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567891011]
 fatfs.hHeader for fatfs applications
 main.h: Header for main.c file. This file contains the common defines of the application
 stm32f4xx_it.hThis file contains the headers of the interrupt handlers
 fatfs.cCode for fatfs applications
 main.c: Main program body
 stm32f4xx_hal_timebase_tim.cHAL time base based on the hardware TIM
 stm32f4xx_it.cInterrupt Service Routines
 system_stm32f4xx.cCMSIS Cortex-M4 Device Peripheral Access Layer System Source File
 usb_device.c: This file implements the USB Device
 usb_host.c: This file implements the USB Host
 usbd_cdc_if.c: Usb device for Virtual Com Port
 usbd_conf.c: This file implements the board support package for the USB device library
 usbd_desc.c: Header for usbd_conf.c file
 usbh_conf.c: This file implements the board support package for the USB host library
 usbh_diskio.cUSB Host Disk I/O driver