Prusa MINI Firmware overview
usbh_core.h File Reference

Header file for usbh_core.c. More...

#include "usbh_conf.h"
#include "usbh_def.h"
#include "usbh_ioreq.h"
#include "usbh_pipes.h"
#include "usbh_ctlreq.h"

Go to the source code of this file.




USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_Init (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, void(*pUsrFunc)(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint8_t), uint8_t id)
 HCD_Init Initialize the HOST Core. More...
USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_DeInit (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
 HCD_Init De-Initialize the Host portion of the driver. More...
USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_RegisterClass (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, USBH_ClassTypeDef *pclass)
 USBH_RegisterClass Link class driver to Host Core. More...
USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_SelectInterface (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint8_t interface)
 USBH_SelectInterface Select current interface. More...
uint8_t USBH_FindInterface (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint8_t Class, uint8_t SubClass, uint8_t Protocol)
 USBH_FindInterface Find the interface index for a specific class. More...
uint8_t USBH_GetActiveClass (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
 USBH_GetActiveClass Return Device Class. More...
uint8_t USBH_FindInterfaceIndex (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint8_t interface_number, uint8_t alt_settings)
 USBH_FindInterfaceIndex Find the interface index for a specific class interface and alternate setting number. More...
USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_Start (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
 USBH_Start Start the USB Host Core. More...
USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_Stop (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
 USBH_Stop Stop the USB Host Core. More...
USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_Process (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
 USBH_Process Background process of the USB Core. More...
USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_ReEnumerate (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
 HCD_ReEnumerate Perform a new Enumeration phase. More...
USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_LL_Init (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
 Initialize the low level portion of the host driver. More...
USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_LL_DeInit (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
 De-Initialize the low level portion of the host driver. More...
USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_LL_Start (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
 Start the low level portion of the host driver. More...
USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_LL_Stop (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
 Stop the low level portion of the host driver. More...
USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_LL_Connect (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
 USBH_LL_Connect Handle USB Host connexion event. More...
USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_LL_Disconnect (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
 USBH_LL_Disconnect Handle USB Host disconnection event. More...
USBH_SpeedTypeDef USBH_LL_GetSpeed (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
 Return the USB host speed from the low level driver. More...
USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_LL_ResetPort (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
 Reset the Host port of the low level driver. More...
uint32_t USBH_LL_GetLastXferSize (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint8_t)
 Return the last transfered packet size. More...
USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_LL_DriverVBUS (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint8_t)
 Drive VBUS. More...
USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_LL_OpenPipe (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint16_t)
 Open a pipe of the low level driver. More...
USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_LL_ClosePipe (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint8_t)
 Close a pipe of the low level driver. More...
USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_LL_SubmitURB (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t *, uint16_t, uint8_t)
 Submit a new URB to the low level driver. More...
USBH_URBStateTypeDef USBH_LL_GetURBState (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint8_t)
 Get a URB state from the low level driver. More...
USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_LL_SetToggle (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint8_t, uint8_t)
 Set toggle for a pipe. More...
uint8_t USBH_LL_GetToggle (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint8_t)
 Return the current toggle of a pipe. More...
void USBH_Delay (uint32_t Delay)
 Delay routine for the USB Host Library. More...
void USBH_LL_SetTimer (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost, uint32_t)
 USBH_LL_SetTimer Set the initial Host Timer tick. More...
void USBH_LL_IncTimer (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost)
 USBH_LL_IncTimer Increment Host Timer tick. More...

Detailed Description

Header file for usbh_core.c.

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