Prusa MINI Firmware overview
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 C__DMA_HandleTypeDefDMA handle Structure definition
 C__SPI_HandleTypeDefSPI handle Structure definition
 CADC_AnalogWDGConfTypeDefADC Configuration multi-mode structure definition
 CADC_ChannelConfTypeDefStructure definition of ADC channel for regular group
 CADC_HandleTypeDefADC handle Structure definition
 CADC_InitTypeDefStructure definition of ADC and regular group initialization
 CADC_InjectionConfTypeDefADC Configuration injected Channel structure definition
 CADC_MultiModeTypeDefADC Configuration multi-mode structure definition
 CBufferResponseUniversal response class with internal buffer size by BUFFER_RESPONSE_SIZE
 Ccache_tCache for an SD data block
 CCircularQueueCircular Queue class
 CConstHeaderConstHeader only point to const chars defined in code
 CContextInternal connection structure which is used in LwIP tcp_ callbacks as arg
 CDigitalPinFast digital port I/O
 CdirectoryEntryFAT short directory entry
 CdirectoryVFATEntryVFAT long filename directory entry
 CDisk_drvTypeDefGlobal Disk IO Drivers structure definition
 CDiskio_drvTypeDefDisk IO Driver structure definition
 CDMA_InitTypeDefDMA Configuration Structure definition
 CDynamicsHeaderDynamicsHeader store it's value to LwIP memory pool
 CEnvironmentEnvironment struct like as WSGI environment as possible could be
 Cfat32_bootBoot sector for a FAT32 volume
 Cfat32_fsinfoFSINFO sector for a FAT32 volume
 Cfat_bootBoot sector for a FAT12/FAT16 volume
 CFileHandler_tFile handler structure
 Cfilepos_tInternal type for istream do not use in user apps
 CFileResponseClass to response any static files defined in files array
 CFLASH_EraseInitTypeDefFLASH Erase structure definition
 CFLASH_OBProgramInitTypeDefFLASH Option Bytes Program structure definition
 CFLASH_ProcessTypeDefFLASH handle Structure definition
 CGPIO_InitTypeDefGPIO Init structure definition
 CI2C_HandleTypeDefI2C handle Structure definition
 CI2C_InitTypeDefI2C Configuration Structure definition
 CIF< true, L, R >
 CIHeaderHeaders list. Creator is responsible to clean the values
 CIWDG_HandleTypeDefIWDG Handle Structure definition
 CIWDG_InitTypeDefIWDG Init structure definition
 CmasterBootRecordMaster Boot Record
 CMessage_tMessage which must be returned from coroutine generator
 CMixerMixer class
 CNozzleNozzle class
 CNumberHeaderNumberHeader is for number headers like Content-Length
 CpartitionTableMBR partition table entry
 Cpin_map_tStruct for mapping digital pins
 CPWR_PVDTypeDefPWR PVD configuration structure definition
 CRCC_ClkInitTypeDefRCC System, AHB and APB busses clock configuration structure definition
 CRCC_OscInitTypeDefRCC Internal/External Oscillator (HSE, HSI, LSE and LSI) configuration structure definition
 CRCC_PLLInitTypeDefRCC PLL configuration structure definition
 CSd2CardRaw access to SD and SDHC flash memory cards
 CSdBaseFileBase class for SdFile with Print and C++ streams
 CSdFileSdBaseFile with Print
 CSdVolumeAccess FAT16 and FAT32 volumes on SD and SDHC cards
 CSoftSPIFast software SPI
 CSPI_InitTypeDefSPI Configuration Structure definition
 CSPIClassWirish SPI interface
 CStopwatchStopwatch class
 CTIM_Base_InitTypeDefTIM Time base Configuration Structure definition
 CTIM_BreakDeadTimeConfigTypeDefTIM Break and Dead time configuration Structure definition
 CTIM_ClearInputConfigTypeDefClear Input Configuration Handle Structure definition
 CTIM_ClockConfigTypeDefClock Configuration Handle Structure definition
 CTIM_Encoder_InitTypeDefTIM Encoder Configuration Structure definition
 CTIM_HallSensor_InitTypeDefTIM Hall sensor Configuration Structure definition
 CTIM_HandleTypeDefTIM Time Base Handle Structure definition
 CTIM_IC_InitTypeDefTIM Input Capture Configuration Structure definition
 CTIM_MasterConfigTypeDefTIM Master configuration Structure definition
 CTIM_OC_InitTypeDefTIM Output Compare Configuration Structure definition
 CTIM_OnePulse_InitTypeDefTIM One Pulse Mode Configuration Structure definition
 CTIM_SlaveConfigTypeDefTIM Slave configuration Structure definition
 CTMC26XStepperClass representing a TMC26X stepper driver
 CTypeSelector< false, T, F >
 CUART_HandleTypeDefUART handle Structure definition
 CUART_InitTypeDefUART Init Structure definition