Prusa3d Marlin fork
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cstd::array< T, N >
 Cstd::array< uint8_t, 16 >
 Ccache_tCache for an SD data block
 CdirectoryEntryFAT short directory entry
 CdirectoryVFATEntryVFAT long filename directory entry
 CMMU2::DropOutFilterFilter of short consecutive drop outs which are recovered instantly
 Cfat32_bootBoot sector for a FAT32 volume
 Cfat32_fsinfoFSINFO sector for a FAT32 volume
 Cfat_bootBoot sector for a FAT12/FAT16 volume
 Cfilepos_tInternal type for istream do not use in user apps
 Clang_table_header_tLang_table_header_t structure - (size= 16byte)
 Clang_table_tLang_table_t structure - (size= 16byte + 2*count)
 CLcdUpdateDisablerHelper class to temporarily disable LCD updates
 CmasterBootRecordMaster Boot Record
 CMMU2::MMU2SerialA minimal serial interface for the MMU
 CpartitionTableMBR partition table entry
 CMMU2::pos3d@TODO hmmm, 12 bytes... may be we can reduce that
 CMMU2::ProtocolLogicLogic layer of the MMU vs. printer communication protocol
 Cmodules::protocol::RequestMsgA request message - requests are being sent by the printer into the MMU
 Cmodules::protocol::ResponseCommandStatusCombined commandStatus and its value into one data structure (optimization purposes)
 Cmodules::protocol::ResponseMsgA response message - responses are being sent from the MMU into the printer as a response to a request message
 CSd2CardRaw access to SD and SDHC flash memory cards
 CSdBaseFileBase class for SdFile with Print and C++ streams
 CSdFileSdBaseFile with Print
 CSdVolumeAccess FAT16 and FAT32 volumes on SD and SDHC cards
 CStopwatchStopwatch class
 CTimer< T >Simple timer
 CTimer< unsigned long >
 CTimer< unsigned short >