Prusa3d Marlin fork
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SdFatStructs.h File Reference

FAT file structures. More...

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struct  partitionTable
 MBR partition table entry. More...
struct  masterBootRecord
 Master Boot Record. More...
struct  fat_boot
 Boot sector for a FAT12/FAT16 volume. More...
struct  fat32_boot
 Boot sector for a FAT32 volume. More...
struct  fat32_fsinfo
 FSINFO sector for a FAT32 volume. More...
struct  directoryEntry
 FAT short directory entry. More...
struct  directoryVFATEntry
 VFAT long filename directory entry. More...


typedef struct partitionTable part_t
typedef struct masterBootRecord mbr_t
typedef struct fat_boot fat_boot_t
typedef struct fat32_boot fat32_boot_t
typedef struct fat32_fsinfo fat32_fsinfo_t
typedef struct directoryEntry dir_t
typedef struct directoryVFATEntry vfat_t


static uint8_t DIR_IS_LONG_NAME (const dir_t *dir)
static uint8_t DIR_IS_FILE (const dir_t *dir)
static uint8_t DIR_IS_SUBDIR (const dir_t *dir)
static uint8_t DIR_IS_FILE_OR_SUBDIR (const dir_t *dir)


uint8_t const BOOTSIG0 = 0X55
uint8_t const BOOTSIG1 = 0XAA
uint8_t const EXTENDED_BOOT_SIG = 0X29
struct partitionTable PACKED
uint32_t const FSINFO_LEAD_SIG = 0x41615252
uint32_t const FSINFO_STRUCT_SIG = 0x61417272
uint16_t const FAT12EOC = 0XFFF
uint16_t const FAT12EOC_MIN = 0XFF8
uint16_t const FAT16EOC = 0XFFFF
uint16_t const FAT16EOC_MIN = 0XFFF8
uint32_t const FAT32EOC = 0X0FFFFFFF
uint32_t const FAT32EOC_MIN = 0X0FFFFFF8
uint32_t const FAT32MASK = 0X0FFFFFFF
uint8_t const DIR_NAME_0XE5 = 0X05
uint8_t const DIR_NAME_DELETED = 0XE5
uint8_t const DIR_NAME_FREE = 0X00
uint8_t const DIR_ATT_READ_ONLY = 0X01
uint8_t const DIR_ATT_HIDDEN = 0X02
uint8_t const DIR_ATT_SYSTEM = 0X04
uint8_t const DIR_ATT_VOLUME_ID = 0X08
uint8_t const DIR_ATT_DIRECTORY = 0X10
uint8_t const DIR_ATT_ARCHIVE = 0X20
uint8_t const DIR_ATT_LONG_NAME = 0X0F
uint8_t const DIR_ATT_LONG_NAME_MASK = 0X3F
uint8_t const DIR_ATT_DEFINED_BITS = 0X3F

Typedef Documentation

◆ dir_t

typedef struct directoryEntry dir_t

Type name for directoryEntry

◆ fat32_boot_t

typedef struct fat32_boot fat32_boot_t

Type name for FAT32 Boot Sector

◆ fat32_fsinfo_t

typedef struct fat32_fsinfo fat32_fsinfo_t

Type name for FAT32 FSINFO Sector

◆ fat_boot_t

typedef struct fat_boot fat_boot_t

Type name for FAT Boot Sector

◆ mbr_t

typedef struct masterBootRecord mbr_t

Type name for masterBootRecord

◆ part_t

typedef struct partitionTable part_t

Type name for partitionTable

◆ vfat_t

typedef struct directoryVFATEntry vfat_t

Type name for directoryVFATEntry

Function Documentation


static uint8_t DIR_IS_FILE ( const dir_t dir)

Directory entry is for a file

[in]dirPointer to a directory entry.
true if the entry is for a normal file else false.


static uint8_t DIR_IS_FILE_OR_SUBDIR ( const dir_t dir)

Directory entry is for a file or subdirectory

[in]dirPointer to a directory entry.
true if the entry is for a normal file or subdirectory else false.


static uint8_t DIR_IS_LONG_NAME ( const dir_t dir)

Directory entry is part of a long name

[in]dirPointer to a directory entry.
true if the entry is for part of a long name else false.


static uint8_t DIR_IS_SUBDIR ( const dir_t dir)

Directory entry is for a subdirectory

[in]dirPointer to a directory entry.
true if the entry is for a subdirectory else false.

Variable Documentation


uint8_t const BOOTSIG0 = 0X55

Value for byte 510 of boot block or MBR


uint8_t const BOOTSIG1 = 0XAA

Value for byte 511 of boot block or MBR


uint8_t const DIR_ATT_ARCHIVE = 0X20

Old DOS archive bit for backup support


uint8_t const DIR_ATT_DEFINED_BITS = 0X3F

defined attribute bits


uint8_t const DIR_ATT_DIRECTORY = 0X10

Entry is for a directory



Mask for file/subdirectory tests


uint8_t const DIR_ATT_HIDDEN = 0X02

File should hidden in directory listings


uint8_t const DIR_ATT_LONG_NAME = 0X0F

Test value for long name entry. Test is (d->attributes & DIR_ATT_LONG_NAME_MASK) == DIR_ATT_LONG_NAME.


uint8_t const DIR_ATT_LONG_NAME_MASK = 0X3F

Test mask for long name entry


uint8_t const DIR_ATT_READ_ONLY = 0X01

file is read-only


uint8_t const DIR_ATT_SYSTEM = 0X04

Entry is for a system file


uint8_t const DIR_ATT_VOLUME_ID = 0X08

Directory entry contains the volume label


uint8_t const DIR_NAME_0XE5 = 0X05

escape for name[0] = 0XE5


uint8_t const DIR_NAME_DELETED = 0XE5

name[0] value for entry that is free after being "deleted"


uint8_t const DIR_NAME_FREE = 0X00

name[0] value for entry that is free and no allocated entries follow


uint8_t const EXTENDED_BOOT_SIG = 0X29

Value for bootSignature field int FAT/FAT32 boot sector


uint16_t const FAT12EOC = 0XFFF

FAT12 end of chain value used by Microsoft.


uint16_t const FAT12EOC_MIN = 0XFF8

Minimum value for FAT12 EOC. Use to test for EOC.


uint16_t const FAT16EOC = 0XFFFF

FAT16 end of chain value used by Microsoft.


uint16_t const FAT16EOC_MIN = 0XFFF8

Minimum value for FAT16 EOC. Use to test for EOC.


uint32_t const FAT32EOC = 0X0FFFFFFF

FAT32 end of chain value used by Microsoft.


uint32_t const FAT32EOC_MIN = 0X0FFFFFF8

Minimum value for FAT32 EOC. Use to test for EOC.


uint32_t const FAT32MASK = 0X0FFFFFFF

Mask a for FAT32 entry. Entries are 28 bits.


uint32_t const FSINFO_LEAD_SIG = 0x41615252

Lead signature for a FSINFO sector


uint32_t const FSINFO_STRUCT_SIG = 0x61417272

Struct signature for a FSINFO sector