Prusa3d Marlin fork
Todo List
Module GCodes

What are the parameters P and S for in M32?

Why would you check for both uppercase and lowercase? Seems wasteful.

update for all axes, use for loop

Please review by owner of the code. RepRap Wiki Gcode needs to be updated after review of owner as well.

Member lcd_detect_IRsensor ()
Add autodetection with MMU2s
Member lcd_hw_setup_menu (void)
Don't forget to remove this as soon Fsensor Detection works with mmu
Member lcd_menu_debug ()
Positioning of the messages and values on LCD aren't fixed to their exact place. This causes issues with translations.
Member lcd_menu_fails_stats_print ()
leptun refactor this piece of code please
Member lcd_menu_xyz_offset ()
Positioning of the messages and values on LCD aren't fixed to their exact place. This causes issues with translations.
Member lcd_menu_xyz_skew ()
Positioning of the messages and values on LCD aren't fixed to their exact place. This causes issues with translations.
Member lcd_menu_xyz_y_min ()
Positioning of the messages and values on LCD aren't fixed to their exact place. This causes issues with translations.
Member lcd_resume_print ()
It is not good to call restore_print_from_ram_and_continue() from function called by lcd_update(), as restore_print_from_ram_and_continue() calls lcd_update() internally.
Member lcd_selftest ()
Don't forget to remove this as soon Fsensor Detection works with mmu
Member mFilamentPrompt ()
leptun - add this as a specific retest item
Member MMU2::LogErrorEvent_P (const char *msg)
Decide MMU errors on serial line
File printer_state.h
Pause/Resume states, Heating states and more