Prusa3d Marlin fork
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mmu2_reporting.h File Reference

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struct  MMU2::TryLoadUnloadReporter


 New MMU2 protocol logic.


enum  CommandInProgress : uint8_t {
  NoCommand = 0 , CutFilament = 'K' , EjectFilament = 'E' , Homing = 'H' ,
  LoadFilament = 'L' , Reset = 'X' , ToolChange = 'T' , UnloadFilament = 'U'
enum  SoundType { Prompt = 2 , Confirm = 3 }


void MMU2::BeginReport (CommandInProgress cip, ProgressCode ec)
 Called at the begin of every MMU operation.
void MMU2::EndReport (CommandInProgress cip, ProgressCode ec)
 Called at the end of every MMU operation.
void MMU2::CheckErrorScreenUserInput ()
 Checks for error screen user input, if the error screen is open.
bool MMU2::TuneMenuEntered ()
void MMU2::ReportErrorHook (CommandInProgress cip, ErrorCode ec, uint8_t es)
 Called when the MMU or MK3S sends operation error (even repeatedly). Render MMU error screen on the LCD. This must be non-blocking and allow the MMU and printer to communicate with each other. More...
void MMU2::ReportProgressHook (CommandInProgress cip, ProgressCode ec)
 Called when the MMU sends operation progress update.
void MMU2::ReportErrorHookDynamicRender (void)
 Renders any characters that will be updated live on the MMU error screen. Currently, this is FINDA and Filament Sensor status and Extruder temperature. More...
void MMU2::ReportErrorHookSensorLineRender ()
 Renders the static part of the sensor state line. Also used by "resuming temperature screen".
bool MMU2::MMUAvailable ()
bool MMU2::UseMMU ()
 Global Enable/Disable use MMU (to be stored in EEPROM)
void MMU2::DisableMMUInSettings ()
 Disables MMU in EEPROM.
void MMU2::IncrementLoadFails ()
void MMU2::IncrementMMUFails ()
 Increments EEPROM cell - number of MMU errors.
bool MMU2::cutter_enabled ()
void MMU2::MakeSound (SoundType s)
void MMU2::FullScreenMsgCut (uint8_t slot)
void MMU2::FullScreenMsgEject (uint8_t slot)
void MMU2::FullScreenMsgTest (uint8_t slot)
void MMU2::FullScreenMsgLoad (uint8_t slot)
void MMU2::FullScreenMsgRestoringTemperature ()
void MMU2::ScreenUpdateEnable ()
void MMU2::ScreenClear ()
void MMU2::tuneIdlerStallguardThreshold ()