Prusa3d Marlin fork
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
mmu2_marlin.h File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  MMU2::pos3d
 @TODO hmmm, 12 bytes... may be we can reduce that More...


 New MMU2 protocol logic.


void MMU2::extruder_move (float distance, float feed_rate)
void MMU2::extruder_schedule_turning (float feed_rate)
float MMU2::move_raise_z (float delta)
void MMU2::planner_abort_queued_moves ()
void MMU2::planner_synchronize ()
bool MMU2::planner_any_moves ()
float MMU2::stepper_get_machine_position_E_mm ()
float MMU2::planner_get_current_position_E ()
void MMU2::planner_set_current_position_E (float e)
pos3d MMU2::planner_current_position ()
void MMU2::motion_do_blocking_move_to_xy (float rx, float ry, float feedRate_mm_s)
void MMU2::motion_do_blocking_move_to_z (float z, float feedRate_mm_s)
void MMU2::nozzle_park ()
bool MMU2::marlin_printingIsActive ()
void MMU2::marlin_manage_heater ()
void MMU2::marlin_manage_inactivity (bool b)
void MMU2::marlin_idle (bool b)
void MMU2::marlin_refresh_print_state_in_ram ()
void MMU2::marlin_clear_print_state_in_ram ()
void MMU2::marlin_stop_and_save_print_to_ram ()
int16_t MMU2::thermal_degTargetHotend ()
int16_t MMU2::thermal_degHotend ()
void MMU2::thermal_setExtrudeMintemp (int16_t t)
void MMU2::thermal_setTargetHotend (int16_t t)
void MMU2::safe_delay_keep_alive (uint16_t t)
void MMU2::Enable_E0 ()
void MMU2::Disable_E0 ()
bool MMU2::all_axes_homed ()

Detailed Description

The sole purpose of this interface is to separate Marlin1/Marlin2 from the MMU top logic layer. Why?